STAAD.Pro Help

(Moving) Load Generation Type dialog

Used to specify direction on plane on the structure to simulate the movement of a predefined vehicle for a moving load definition.

注記: If a moving load generation command has not yet been defined for the model, a warning message is displayed in the dialog and the controls are inactive. Refer to the Create New (Moving) Load Generation dialog to learn more about defining a moving load.

Opens when Add is clicked from the Load & Definition dialog when Vehicle Definitions is selected.

注記: Refer to TR.31.1 移動荷重系の定義 for additional information.
Type Reference a previously defined moving load (e.g., vehicle definition) in the input file. Vehicles definitions are created using the Create New Moving Load Definitions dialog.
Range (Optional) defines section of the structure along global vertical direction to carry moving load. This r value is added and subtracted to the reference vertical coordinate (y1 or z1)in the global vertical direction to form a range. The moving load will be externally distributed among all members within the vertical range thus generated. r always should be a positive number. In other words, the program always looks for members lying in the range Y 1 and Y1+ABS(r) or Z1 and Z1+ABS(r). The default r value is very small, so entering r is recommended.
Initial Position of Load Global X, Y, and Z coordinates of the initial position of the reference load.
Load Increment

Incremental values of position of load system coordinates (in global axes) to be used for generation of subsequent load cases.

注記: The defined vertical direction (e.g., either Y-up or Z-up) is not available to incremental placement of the moving load.